Modesto, CA June, 2026

Our Mission Statement:
Is to create a space where addicts can gather to learn, grow, and experience the magic that happens when we come together in recovery. We welcome newcomers with open arms, planting the seeds of hope change through the influence of the spiritual principles. Our focus is on fostering unity, demonstrating that recovery is possible for anyone, one addict at a time. Through love, connection, and the powerful attraction of recovery, we carry a strong message. spiritual growth comes when we least expect it. Together, we can reinvent the “Pink Cloud”, showing in numbers that healing and transformation are within reach for all. Let’s bring the Love, the Hugs and the message of Hope to each other and the world.
Convention Committee meets every 2nd Sunday at 11am
3800 Cornucopia way Rm. E
Modesto, CA

Zoom Info:
Meeting ID# 833 0396 3302 Passcode: XVIII

Chair: Cindy C. – (209) 918-0979
Vice-Chair: Donna G. – (209) 620-4635